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The content (information, documents and data), layout and design of the Site are property of ROSATOM (unless otherwise specified) and subject to national and international copyright laws. Any unauthorised use of the contents hereof is considered to be violation of the Russian law and subject to legal action.

Mass media are allowed to use the content of this Site only with a reference to ROSATOM (unless another data source specified) and/or the Site (digital media are required to give links to the relevant page of the Site).

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ROSATOM undertakes to protect confidentiality of all personal data submitted the Site (for example, when subscribing to newsletter) in compliance with the Russian law. Submission of any personal data (for example, when subscribing to newsletters) is considered as written consent to their processing. ROSATOM undertakes to process such data solely for no purpose other than provided for in the Russian law, and protect them from unauthorised access by third parties.

External websites accessible via links on this Site remain outside ROSATOM's responsibility. ROSATOM disclaim all responsibility for the content of external websites and regular update thereof. Any news and messages published in the news/interactive sections of the Site may be deleted without prior notification. Violation of these terms and conditions is subject to civil and criminal liability in compliance with the Russian law.

These general conditions of use and their content may be revised and amended without prior notification. Information published on the Site shall be used in accordance with the version hereof as effective upon the visit to the Site.

If you have any questions about the contents of the Site or general conditions of its use, please contact the Communications Department at

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