The regulatory authorities of Belarus approved application of the unique ROSATOM's product. 
TIANOX medical system is an innovative project of the domestic nuclear industry specialists for therapy of adults and children, including newborns, with the use of nitrogen monoxide. It is used in pulmonology, cardiovascular surgery, transplantology, neonatology, rehabilitation and other areas. Nitrogen monoxide is used for treatment of pulmonary precapillary hypertension, lung thrombosis, embolism, viral pneumonia, ischemic stroke, in the course of therapy within the post-surgical period and in many other cases. For example, patients with cardiovascular diseases regularly suffer from increased pulmonary artery pressure, and in this case inhalation of nitrogen monoxide is the only way to reduce pressure. 
TIANOX is a mobile unit which generates nitrogen monoxide literally from the atmospheric air. Previously the gas was produced at special-purpose plants by the chemical method and then delivered to medical institutions in cylinders. This not only complicated the logistics but also required additional procurement of dosing devices from abroad and availability of specialists for maintenance of cylinders. Only major medical centers could afford this technology due to the above-mentioned peculiarities. The Russian system is unparalleled anywhere in the world. 
"More than 200 TIANOX units are already helping to treat patients in Russia. Now the Belorussian medical workers also have the opportunity to use TIANOX and promote them widely in transplantology, neonatology and intensive cardiology. Our unit saves lives and preserves health of patients. TIANOX synthesizes nitrogen oxide from the air entering the human respiratory tract and causes dilation of bronchial tubes giving relief to the patient. Besides, it has an effect on the blood vessel walls, improves pulmonary perfusion and reduces pulmonary artery pressure. The unit is convenient in service and fully safe for application" - Anatoly Myalitsin, Director of Rusatom RDS JSC for Specialized Medical Equipment, said.
Source: Press service of Rusatom RDS JSC