ROSATOM has taken part in the 5th international MDEP conference (The Multinational Design Evaluation Programme) that was held in Turkey. The event was organized by OECD Nuclear Energy Agency.
The conference was attended by over 100 representatives of regulatory authorities and large companies from 19 countries. Russia was represented by Rostechnadzor, Rosenergoatom JSC, Rusatom Energy Projects JSC (REP), the Engineering Division of Rosatom, Federal Budgetary Scientific and Engineering Centre for Nuclear and Radiation Safety (FB SEC NRS).
The main topic of the event was a multinational program of evaluation of new NPP projects. Sergey Egorov, Director for Science and Innovations of Atomenergoproekt JSC (a part of ROSATOM’s Engineering Division), made a speech at the conference. Within the session dedicated to the international cooperation structure for new projects, he spoke of benefits from the activities of MDEP and VVER working group for the Russian industry and anticipated prospects of further cooperation. He also presented a report “The Design Evolution and Its Change During Construction” at the session “Postulates on the Expansion of International Cooperation”.
In the course of his speeches, Sergey Egorov noted that day-to-day interaction in MDEP format creates unique communications in the design area. A possibility of working out a common position, built on involvement of highly professional and competent forces both of NPP designers and employees of regulatory authorities of the participating countries, allows establishing best practices and generating a uniform technical policy for implementation of design solutions. “A possibility of representing contemporary organizational mechanisms of generating information on NPP construction projects and work with changes is essential both for interaction with stable partners and for building relations with newcomer countries, while demonstration of such skills practicability is a part of competitive advantage of Russian designs. A wide variety of projects presented at the conference allows us to become expediently familiar with the entire range of up-to-date proposals for NPP designs and landmarks for competitive participation in tenders. The authority of MDEP format will undoubtedly influence decision-making on NPP construction in the newcomer countries and expansion of construction in the countries developing nuclear power, consequently, any participation in such format is significant for promotion of Russian technologies on the global market”, Sergey Egorov noted.
Rosatom Engineering Division unites the leading companies of the nuclear industry, namely: Atomstroyexport JSC (Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod, branches in Russia and abroad), Joint Design Institute - Atomenergoproekt JSC (Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod, St. Petersburg branches - design institutes, branches in Russia and abroad, R&D branches) and subsidiary construction organizations. The Engineering Division ranks first in the world by the order portfolio and the number of NPPs constructed simultaneously across the world. About 80% of the Division’s revenues originate from foreign projects. The Engineering Division implements construction projects for high-power NPPs in Russia and across the world, renders a full range of EPC, EP, EPC(M) services including project management and design activities, and develops Multi-D technologies for the management of complex engineering facilities. The Division relies on the achievements of the Russian nuclear industry and innovative state-of-the-art technologies.

Source: Communications Division of ROSATOM Engineering Division